First steps in ORDIN

Step 1. Access to the web app
Before proceeding please, check if you have received the login and password to access the system interface. Normally login is your email address.

In case of any questions please contact your manager or reach out by email:

If you encounter issues accessing the ORDIN web and mobile app, please follow this manual:

Logging in ORDIN (.pdf)

Step 2. Initial building structure data import from Excel spreadsheet
Before importing equipment and systems it is necessary to set the Buildings, Floors, and Premises where the equipment will be located.

If you have already all the data input, then skip this step.

You can fill in the data manually or use the Import feature:

  • Make a copy of a template spreadsheet to your Google Drive account or download it in Excel format.
  • Fill in tabs from 1 to 3 with Users, Companies and Building structure tables following the rules and comments in the template file.
  • Upload the file in the configuration Imports pop-up window. You can check the import status by the link following the uploading.
  • Once the upload is finished you can navigate to the Setup -> Users, Companies, Buildings, Floors, Permises to check the imported data.


  • If you have already input data manually don't put it in the import file, unless the duplicates will be created.
  • The company names should be equal, 'Warehouse' = 'Warehouse'.
  • If you write "storage room" (with a lowercase letter) or "storage room_" (with any extra symbol), a new storage room entity will be created.
Step 3. Equipment data import
Once you have imported the directories, you can start importing the equipment.

  1. To use the Import feature navigate to Setup -> Configuration Imports
  2. Click the Import Preventive Maintenance button
  3. Download the Template from the Google Spreadsheet link
  4. Fill in tab 4
  5. Upload the file in the same window.


  • In the person in charge of the equipment, you must enter the email of the person in charge of the equipment with the role of chief engineer. If this person was not present at import, they must be added to the system before the data import.
  • One row of equipment is one piece of equipment in the system. If you have a thousand light bulbs on a floor and you don't want to add each one as a separate piece of equipment, you can add one "light bulb" and write "one thousand pieces on the floor" in the description and indicate in the room "entire floor" and then you will have grouped equipment under one accounting unit.
  • Once the equipment has been loaded into the system, you can start entering the rest of the data.
  • We enter entire machines, not just parts of machines, under equipment. I.e. we write APS equipment and not APS enclosure, APS control system, etc.
  • Since it was originally planned that the components of the equipment will be specified as part of the checklists, which will then be attached to the work on the equipment.