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How To Compile A Facility Management Report?

Information is critical for modern facility managers. The days of making decisions based on gut instincts are over; the key to making effective FM decisions today is intelligent data. The issue is that many organizations struggle with strategic data use; in fact, according to a recent Forrester Research survey, only 12% of organizational data is analyzed after it is collected.

Thus, how can we demonstrate the critical nature of facility management or facility management duties? Certainly, the Facilities sector must demonstrate its accomplishments, demonstrating that investment X resulted in Y. This can be accomplished through the use of well-structured reports.
A report is a written document that summarizes the performance of various sectors or actions within a business. It provides an overview of the findings and aids in decision-making.
To accomplish this, the report must be clear and straightforward, presenting the most pertinent information in a non-technical language that is easily understood by the general public. Apart from highlighting the Facilities department's accomplishments, a well-written report will aid in identifying opportunities, optimizing resource utilization, and tracking data records.

Now, how do you create reports for Facilities Management?

Establish a Goal

Prior to beginning the report, consider its purpose and scope. This will assist you in determining the type of content, data, and analysis that will be required.

Determine the Subjects

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating Facilities Management reports. Essentially, it will collect data in an organized manner to enable everyone to comprehend the performance of a particular sector and aid in decision-making. Consider the following topics as a starting point:

Title (name of the person responsible for the development, their department, and the date of delivery);

  • Report objectives
  • Synopsis of the topics to be discussed
  • Logically sequenced content
  • Results with observations and analysis
  • References, indicating the source of data

Consider the Content

The document template that you present should be organized in a way that facilitates comprehension, such as a chronological sequence.

Adapt the report to the person who will receive it, taking into account what information is necessary for that person to have. Is it necessary to include a more detailed explanation? Wouldn't a graph make that data more visually appealing?

Enhance the report's visual appeal by including subtitles and an index. Avoid including superfluous information and data, as managers frequently must evaluate reports from multiple departments and may lack the time necessary to absorb all of the information.

A woman compiling a facility management report

Additionally, it will simplify the process if you include a conclusion alongside the analysis and recommendations, explaining how a particular investment achieved the desired result or how the proposed improvement will benefit the company or its employees.

After you've completed everything, carefully review it. Examine the presentation to ensure that all necessary information is included and that there are no excessive amounts of data, grammatical or spelling errors, or even erroneous or out-of-date data. All of this has an effect on the information's credibility during transmission.


Be Wary of Key Performance Indicators

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are critical for the development of effective Facility Management reports. They are pertinent to business needs and serve as a metric for determining how closely the performance matches the expected result.


Make Effective Use of Technology

Due to the ingrained nature of our routines, it is frequently difficult to maintain complete focus on a variety of different aspects of Facilities Management. This can be a significant obstacle when it comes to producing an efficient report that demonstrates the report's value to your supervisors.

Using an Intelligent Maintenance Management Platform (IMMP) to collect data in a more precise and agile manner can be a very beneficial and time-saving method. Always take advantage of effective communication to ensure that Facilities Management is increasingly valued and viewed as a strategic tool within organizations. Perhaps this recognition does not exist today, but the more accomplishments you can demonstrate, the more you will be perceived!

Ordin digital facility management report

When selecting indicators, it is necessary to take into account their relevance, ease of measurement, and analysis. Managers in every sector must take a proactive approach and implement long-term, realistic facility system no matter if it is property management software or building maintenance software or others. Each public works organization has a program for facility management duties. In the simplest terms, it is the process of decision-making.

Don't waste your time on papers, ORDIN will help you digitalise all facility management processes